
When you fit out your event with Fern and Fallow, 10% of your hire fee goes directly towards one of the following life-changing charities - and you get to choose which!

Australian Red Cross

The Australian Red Cross saves lives and supports people before and after disasters strike as a part of the largest humanitarian network in the world, with a local presence in almost every country in the world. They work to alleviate suffering during wars and conflict and promote non-violence and peace. And they work to assist our most vulnerable community members – no matter their circumstances. The Australian Red Cross are leaders in an inclusive, diverse and active humanitarian movement based on voluntary service.


TEARfund Australia

TEARfund Australia work to provide justice and compassion to the most needy, vulnerable and indiginous peoples in 18 countries across South East Asia & Pacific, Africa and Australia in an effort to break the cycle of poverty and injustice. TEARfund work with local organisations to bring access to education, emergency relief, safe hygiene, access to water and sanitation as well as many other strategies to assist people to develop the agricultural skills necessary to put food on the table and build a secure livelihood.


ZOE Foundation Australia

ZOE is the Greek word for ‘Life’.

ZFA supports the global mission of ZOE in the prevention of child trafficking, the rescue of children who are sold, or are at risk of being sold into prostitution, bonded labour or other heinous crimes or abuse and, the restoration of survivors. ZFA funds innovative, replicable and sustainable programs to fight the root causes of child trafficking.


The Fred Hollows Foundation

The Fred Hollows Foundation now works in more than 25 countries and has restored sight to over two and a half million people worldwide. 4 out of 5 people who are blind don't need to be… “What we’re doing is giving these people the chance to help themselves. We are giving them independence” - Fred Hollows.